No. 104 - Desk of Dual Worlds

Ah, behold the Desk of Dual Worlds, where tech from two different philosophies comes to coexist and create a harmony of keyboard clacking. First off, kudos on the impressive display of cable management – nothing screams 'I’ve given up on tidying' quite like a wild jungle of wires. If your intention was to recreate a miniature Amazon, mission accomplished! The no-nonsense black tower, glowing like a beacon of unused processing power, really brings a certain 'gamer bunker chic' to the whole setup. And is that mousepad a relic from the early 2000s LAN parties, or did it just time-travel here? Nonetheless, you get extra points for the headphones – they’re perfectly placed to collect all the dust the desk can offer. All in all, it’s the perfect habitat for the endangered species known as 'multitaskers trying to look busy.'

Roast My Desk