No. 1041 - The Desk of Pending Updates

Well, well, well, here we have a desk that screams 'I mean business, but I'm also one Windows error away from a meltdown'. The dual monitor setup is nice, though one can't help but feel the laptop is judging the desktop screen for having all the fun. And what's this, a wild computer mouse in its natural habitat: forever glued to a desk, never seeing the comfort of a mousepad. I'm loving the minimalist approach to the drawer handles; it really enhances the 'I think I have tetanus now' look. Let's not overlook the wall that has more pinned papers than a college bulletin board during finals week. You've made multitasking into an extreme sport, my friend. Overall, this desk is like a suspense thriller novel: lots of characters, a complex plot, and I honestly can't tell if it's genius or chaos.

Roast My Desk