No. 111 - The Zen Den

Ah, the Feng Shui disaster! I see we've gone with the 'scared to touch anything' approach. It's so clean and uncluttered that it runs the risk of being mistaken for a 3D render. And let's talk about dual-purpose - this desk doubles as a sleep aid; the setting's so serene it could put an espresso-fueled insomniac to sleep. Though I must say, that guitar casually leaning on the wall is the equivalent of having one book on a shelf titled 'How to Look Cultured 101'. The monitors are trying so hard to look professional, I'm almost convinced this is a music studio, but the complete lack of cables tells me the only thing that's getting produced here is an Instagram post with #minimalist. All jokes aside, it's a neat setup, but let's throw in a coffee mug or something to prove a human actually works here.

Roast My Desk