No. 1260 - The Technicolor Dream Desk

Well, well, well, what do we have here? A desk that's trying so hard to scream 'gamer' it's practically one RGB strip away from auditioning for a role at a cyber cafe. The triple monitor setup, complete with the one in portrait mode, because apparently, you've got secret plans to become the next social media mogul. The PC's showing off more colors than a unicorn-themed birthday party for a six-year-old. And let's talk about that boom arm stand that looks like it's about to launch itself into space. But hey, at least your cable management is... non-existent, giving the 'spaghetti monster under the desk' look a whole new level of authenticity. Last but not least, congratulations on finding the only room where the giraffe neck lamp actually blends in.

Roast My Desk