No. 139 - The Work-n-Playground

Ah, the 'Controlled Chaos' desk masterpiece - where screen real estate is more abundant than actual desk space. The juxtaposition of professional monitors and a child’s cheerful drawing gives it that 'I'm a serious adult but also a fridge door curator' vibe. And I can't help but admire the strategic placement of tissues and meds, suggesting either a coding-induced flu or just preparation for the symptoms of your cable management. Rating it, the style gets a mid-range score since you seem to have embraced that 'lived-in' aesthetic. Neatness is more of a 'let's hide the clutter in a blurry photo' technique. And coolness, well, that's off the charts if by 'cool' you mean 'able to locate the emergency escape plan amidst an earthquake'. Overall, this desk is an organized mess's more sophisticated cousin twice removed.

Roast My Desk