No. 177 - The Monochrome Monolith

Oh look, it's the 'minimalist by day, clutter-hoarder by night' setup. Starting with that ultra-wide monitor; it's like you're trying to compensate for something... maybe the lack of pizzazz on your desk? And the additional laptop on the side -- what's that for? To google how to clean a desk? Additionally, I love the random small black platform trying to make it as an avant-garde paperweight, but it's just not working. The headphones hanging on the side look like they're trying to escape the snooze fest that is this workstation. And the coffee mug on a coaster? How quaint. A little touch of 'I promise I'm sophisticated' in the midst of tech central. Still, credit where credit is due, your cable management is almost as invisible as your sense of style. Bravo.

Roast My Desk