No. 181 - The Time Capsule Cubicle

Ah, the classic 'Internet Explorer' of desks, where not even your browser believes in your productivity. With a monitor that's older than the dinosaur fossil on your wallpaper and an ergonomic strategy that screams 'pain is temporary, but carpal tunnel is forever', this desk is serving corporate drab realness. Is that a coffee or a cry for help in paper cup form? The random assortment of papers stacked like a game of Jenga that's waiting for the next earthquake is an interesting take on organization. Also, congrats on the paperweight, I mean, smartphone dock—it must be a relic from a time when phones had buttons. And look at that lamp, is it auditioning for a role in a Pixar intro? Overall, the desk has the charm of a dial-up connection in a broadband world.

Roast My Desk