No. 265 - Creative Chaos Co-Op

Ah, the 'Creative Chaos Co-Op'! A desk where inspiration meets 'I might need that receipt someday'. With a motivational poster that screams 'I took an online personality quiz and it told me I'm a wizard', it's clear this desk has all the essentials: a monitor raised to the heavens, a webcam perched like a bird of prey, and more pens than there are words in this roast. I see the triage approach to organization too. Left side: 'Stuff I might look at', right side: 'Eh, I'll deal with it later', and center stage, the laptop holding on for dear life. And let's not overlook the single artistic photo gracing the window ledge, lest you forget you were once carefree enough not to worry about cable management.

Roast My Desk