No. 276 - The Functionally Hopeful yet Aesthetically Dismal Command Center

Well, if minimalism went to a yard sale, we'd have this desk as the grand prize. This quirky piece of Swedish-esque engineering has more tiers than your typical emotional breakdown, and yet, manages to look as barren as a bachelor's fridge. I see the not-so-strategic placement of a single roll of toilet paper - preparing for a weepy movie or is that your idea of 'desk supplies'? The array of cables underneath seem to be playing Twister - left power socket on red, USB cable on blue. Neatness appears to be an afterthought, much like the one you have when you consider vacuuming under there. The filing system on the side is avant-garde; I've never seen a desk that comes with its very own 'leaning tower' of paper. Overall, it screams 'I had ambition when I bought it, but then I discovered streaming services'.

Roast My Desk