No. 284 - The Time Capsule Workstation

Ah, the classic 'I swear there's a method to my madness' desk. This looks like a high-tech command center collided with a personal scrapbook. I mean, props for keeping memories at arm's reach, but did we need the entire family photo album on the wall? And with dual monitors, it's clear multitasking is the game, even when one screen is clearly for work and the other... is that YouTube? Mixing entertainment with productivity are we? Or just prepping for that 'Employee of the Month - Best in Background Noise' award? Got to love the random assortment of office paraphernalia though, from 'sentimental teddy bear' to 'hydration station' with that upside-down bottle - hydration or a science experiment gone wrong? And is that an unopened bottle of hand sanitizer I see? 2020 called, and it wants its panic buy back. Nevertheless, the desk screams 'I'm creative and sentimental, with just a sprinkle of chaos.'

Roast My Desk