No. 328 - The Multitasker's Maze

Well, well, well, if it isn't the command center for the procrastination nation! Let's see, you've got enough screens to direct an air traffic control tower, but I'm pretty sure the only 'traffic' you're directing is the web traffic to your favorite gaming sites. And those speakers, my goodness! Playing those lossless audio files so loudly that even your neighbors know your playlist by heart. A guitar on the side, because, of course, every tech wizard is secretly a rockstar, just waiting for their big break in between coding sprints. I see you've also embraced the 'organized chaos' style of desk setup with a flair that would make a hoarder blush. But who am I to judge? Maybe you need every single one of those gadgets within arm's reach to feel like the captain of the USS Enterprise. Beam me up to Neatness, Scotty—oh wait, we can't, because there's stuff everywhere!

Roast My Desk