No. 398 - The Time Capsule Workspace

Ah, the 'Creative Chaos' desk – when organization meets 'I'll do it later'. This desk is blast from the past with a side of 'I might need this someday'. With style reminiscent of a storage room romance, Audrey Hepburn is silently judging from the wall, pondering how her elegance wound up in a place where even a keyboard has a hard time finding a stable note amidst the clutter. The random placement of objects suggests a 'Where's Waldo?' approach to finding your pen. Neatness seems like a foreign concept that was invited to the party but never showed up. However, let's not gloss over the makeshift monitor stand. It screams innovation or maybe just 'I needed some height'. The coolness factor comes from that moonlight lamp; it has no idea if it's coming or going, much like the items on this desk.

Roast My Desk