No. 413 - Multitasking Mayhem

Ah, the 'Multitasking Mayhem' special! A little social media here, a dash of work there, and a sprinkle of post-it notes just shy of a system. The desk is like a balancing act in a circus performed by a multitasking juggler with too many balls in the air. The presence of the phone suggests you might actually do some work between tweets, and I bet the mismatched monitor setup is as ergonomically friendly as a cactus chair. The desk is about as neat as a teenager's first attempt at laundry – everything's technically there, but you hesitate to give it any credit. Lastly, those scribbles on the paper are either a secret code or a sign that the pen's having a better dance party than you on a Friday night. 10 points for creativity, minus several thousand for cable management.

Roast My Desk