No. 496 - The Semi-Controlled Chaos Corner

Ah, the classic 'I tried to have a clean desk but then life happened' setup. The wallpaper on the left monitor looks like an explosion in a Skittles factory, and that right monitor has more tabs open than a soda addict at a Pepsi convention. Plus, that dangling microphone insists it's ready for its podcast debut - 'Tales from the Cluttered Desk.’ Gotta love the mismatched keyboard and mouse; it's like they had an argument and aren't talking anymore. And by the looks of it, the headphones stand is doing a better job at keeping those headphones off the desk than it is at keeping them unwrinkled. At least the LED mood lighting sets the perfect ambiance for when you have to search for that one sticky note with your overdue deadlines!

Roast My Desk