No. 533 - The Untidy Time-Capsule

Well, well, well, what do we have here? A desk that's one part gaming battlestation, one part abandoned storage unit – and is that a lava lamp I spy? Bringing the 70s back in a 'funk-tastic' way, I see. Look at that pile of random objects in the corner, gives 'organized chaos' a whole new meaning. And no, textbooks on the desk do not automatically make you look studious! The desk space gets points for the dual monitor setup though, because obviously, one screen is for work and the other... well, let's pretend it's also for work. Don't get me started on the headsets casually placed like a modern art sculpture hoping for a bid. This hybrid of electronic dedication and 'I-was-crafting-five-minutes-ago' vibe creates a unique desk environment sure to confuse any Marie Kondo enthusiast.

Roast My Desk