No. 573 - The Twilight Command Center

What do we have here, the lair of a nocturnal keyboard warrior? With that psychedelic wall pattern, I'm surprised you can focus on anything that's actually happening on your screen. Ah, I see you've gone for the minimalist route—you know, to keep distractions at bay—or did the cleaning crew just not show up yet? And let's not overlook that fancy mood lighting. It just screams 'I'm an undercover disco enthusiast,' doesn't it? Just a single snack on the desk? An amateur move. A true desk connoisseur knows to have a full buffet spread. Lastly, is that a gaming chair or the throne from whence you command your virtual empire? Either way, kudos for embracing the aura of mystery with that lighting—really sets the tone for your next online battle.

Roast My Desk