No. 577 - The Binary Tavern Desk

Ah, the classic dual-monitor setup, where one screen is for work and the other is for reminding yourself how much work you're not doing. The ambient lighting is nice, giving the illusion of being in a hip bar rather than at a desk where the most exciting event is accidentally opening Excel. A desk mat glorified with circuitry graphics? Because nothing screams 'I'm tech-savvy' like a printed silicone runway for your mouse. The miscellaneous pens and doodads in the corner look like a tiny shrine to office supplies. And let's not overlook the unicorn of productivity, an empty monitor — the modern symbol of 'I meant to do something with this, but I got distracted by life.' All it's missing is a plant that you forget to water. Overall, it's giving off 'cyberpunk meets quarterly reports' vibes.

Roast My Desk