No. 609 - The Electronic Jungle

Well, well, well, if it isn't the 'Multitask Central,' where the motto must be 'Why do one thing when you can do a thousand?' The desk embodies the spirit of controlled chaos, much like a symphony conducted by a squirrel. Between the music production equipment and what seems like the graveyard of every portable game console, you've got more connections than a politician at a fundraiser. And with all those wires, I hope you've got the number of a good electrician, because it's looking like a snake pit during a rave. But hey, I've got to give it to you, this desk screams 'creativity' louder than a toddler with a megaphone. Just do me a favor, try not to knock over your coffee when you're reaching for that game boy during your next creative block.

Roast My Desk