No. 635 - The Work-in-Progress Wonder

Ah, the 'Chaotic Neutral' desk - where the decorators stopped halfway through wallpapering to answer an important email and never got back to it. The collection of random bits and bobs in the shelf cubbies really accentuates that 'I might need this random item someday' look. And let's not overlook the classic 'a printer that's too big for the space' - every home office's pièce de résistance! Is that a basket up top or an attempt at modern art? Either way, it's keeping up with the perplexing office aesthetic. The positioning of the screen also gives the vibe 'I'm so focused I don't need my peripherals in my peripheral vision.' Overall, this workspace is like a half-written symphony - looks somewhat organized, but you know there's a drawer of chaos just waiting to be opened.

Roast My Desk