No. 645 - The Multimedia Mogul's Lair

Well, well, well, if it isn't the 'Aspiring Podcaster Plus Gamer Deluxe' setup! Complete with ring light to ensure the face for radio is properly illuminated, and soundproofing to keep the anguished cries of the defeated enemies from disturbing the neighbors. The guitar in the corner suggests a backup plan for when the gaming and vlogging don't pay off - smart thinking! And is that a racing chair for when you need to swivel away from the screen in shame after being pwned? I must say, the coordination with the pink throw on the chair really softens the blow of relentless competition. With all the tech gear on display, I'm shocked there's actual desk space visible. Remember, a clear desk is a sign of a... no wait, that's not right. You're supposed to fill every inch with gadgets!

Roast My Desk