No. 650 - The Techno Wannabe Lounge

Ah, a dual-monitor setup to multitask between procrastination and... more procrastination, impressive. The ring light’s glow almost distracts from the cable management that's screaming for a lifeline. And jeez, did you invite the entire tech department to a party on your desk or is that a one-person rave? It's hard to tell with all those gadgets. Speaking of parties, that isolated coffee mug looks like it's been stood up. Don't forget the acoustic guitar, strategically placed for that 'Oh, this old thing? I just play sometimes' vibe during video calls. The 'I-have-a-big-chair-so-I-must-be-important' throne is a nice touch though, gives the illusion of authority amidst the organized chaos.

Roast My Desk