No. 701 - The Guiding Light Woodtop

Ah, the classic 'I'm a minimalist until you see the cables' desk setup. We've got a tech shrine here, with what seems to be a monitor big enough to guide ships safely to harbor, and enough headphones to start a small radio station. Plus, the desk is obviously trying to communicate with the mouse, yet I bet you still can't find the cursor half the time. The wood finish is nice, definitely gives off that 'I handcrafted this while sipping craft beer' vibe. But let's not ignore the lonely cup and glass duo, probably left there from the last time you actually had water. It's a nice touch, showing us that hydration is occasionally more than a myth to you. Overall, it's a setup that says 'I'm professional', but the coaster-less glass says 'I live on the edge'.

Roast My Desk