No. 703 - The Desk-tastrophe

Wow, if clutter was a professional sport, this desk would be the reigning champion! I see we've gone for a modern art installation titled 'Entropy in Motion'. The ashtray-cum-artifact in the corner tells the rich history of every idea that went up in smoke, while the random scraps of paper are a whimsical ode to every fleeting thought that never made it to the trash. That coaster without a drink is like the oasis in a desert, a beacon of hope for a surface yet untouched. And goodness, the mousepad that's bigger than some countries; it's not a desk, it's a galactic empire for your mouse to conquer! This desk does have a certain 'je ne sais quoi', mostly because I can't quite figure out what I'm looking at. Kudos for keeping a colour scheme consistent with 'shades of chaos'.

Roast My Desk