No. 752 - The Ambiguous Workstation

Oh, look, it's 'Notes-a-lot's Medieval Tavern' meets 'I-Got-Work-To-Do'. A desk overflowing with the feast of a multitasker. We've got the laptop that says 'I mean business', but also 'yeah, I Netflix'. Next to it, the classic pen and paper, because who trusts technology these days? And let's not overlook the time-honored tradition of decorating your workspace that a bag of chips and random cups? Hydration and snacking at its finest - but let's hope that those cups don't have last week's coffee. The desk is trying to tell us a story, but it feels like a mystery novel with pages missing. Nevertheless, kudos for the ambient lighting provided by the TV reflecting the warmth of electrons not being watched.

Roast My Desk