No. 779 - The Time Traveler's Tech Trove

Well, look what we have here, a desk that's clearly been through the early 2000s and decided to keep every piece of memorabilia from its journey. With a furry feline desk ornament serving as both a paperweight and a duster, this workstation screams 'I'm tech-savvy, but I also might have a MySpace profile still active.' Cameras thicker than the plot of a paperback mystery novel, speakers that have seen more volume wars than a teenagers' house party, and let's not forget the pièce de résistance: a CRT monitor generously offering you the same radiation as a minor sunburn. This workstation isn't just vintage, it's a time capsule that refuses to be buried. Bonus points for the thrilling game of 'Jenga' you've got going with those CD cases, which may collapse if someone just sneezes in the next room.

Roast My Desk