No. 794 - The Multitasker's Dilemma

Well, well, well, if it isn't the 'I Want to Be Productive But I'm Also a Hobby Store Explosion' desk setup. Where to begin? The chair screams 'executive decisions are made here,' but the pillow retorts with 'except on Mondays... or any day ending in Y.' The dual monitors are like a high-tech command center, flanked by the arts-and-crafts brigade. I can't tell if this is a desk or an audition for the next 'Desk Hoarders: Office Edition' with a side of gallery wall aspirations. Kudos for working that much personality into one space; it's like a 'Where's Waldo?' of desk styling - fun to observe, but I wouldn't want to delve into the paperwork.

Roast My Desk