No. 825 - The Tinkerer's Turmoil

Ah, the classic 'I might be an inventor if I ever find what I'm looking for' vibe. The surface of the desk looks like it's been through more projects than a middle school science fair, and the random assortment of cables and electronics gives off a 'I-fix-my-own-internet' confidence. The ergonomic nightmare of a chair suggests you're either very comfortable with bad posture or it's the perfect alibi for 'why I didn't go to the gym.' And nothing says 'I'm a professional' like a can of Pringles at the ready for when brain fuel is needed. Style? It's screaming 'garage chic.' Neatness? If there's a system here, it's written in invisible ink. Coolness? Only if you count the 'too busy being a genius to clean up' aesthetic.

Roast My Desk