No. 881 - The Virtual Voyager

Well, this is quite the immersive setup, but let's be honest... it's one pothole away from a desktop disaster. From the commendable attempt at channeling your inner trucker with that steering wheel to the 'I might be a DJ on weekends' vibe from the dual monitor setup, this desk is screaming 'I can't decide if it's game time or crunch time.' The cleanness of the desk suggests that you might actually know where the vacuum cleaner is in your house, which is a pleasant surprise. However, all that hard work is overshadowed by the fact that there are more buttons on that steering wheel than there are days in a week! Plus, judging by that grip on the shifter, I'd hate to see you in a real stick-shift. Style-wise, it's like someone told you about minimalism and you thought it meant 'minimum number of wheels on the desk.' Overall, a thrilling ride on the desk-o-meter but with some pit stops needed!

Roast My Desk