No. 950 - The Minimalist Mirage

Well, well, well, what do we have here? A desk so minimalist, it almost screams 'I read one article about Steve Jobs and threw everything else away'. Dual screens though, someone's compensating for something – I'm guessing the lack of wall decor? The laptop has clearly seen some things; it's like a warrior returning from battle, dusty and decorated with stickers of honor. Also, kudos for including the classic 'apple' on an Apple workday – I see what you did there. And, why is everything else so tidy but you've got a single, lonely Apple charging cable trying to escape the neatness like a snake from a charmer's basket? Overall, it's the kind of setup that says, 'I might be living in a world of order, but I'm just one unplugged charger away from chaos.'

Roast My Desk