No. 1099 - The Nostalgia Nook

Well, well, well, if it isn't the 'Time Traveler's workstation'! Taking us back to the glorious era of angst-rock and poster-plastered walls. We've got a layout more packed than a 2005 emo kid's iPod Nano. The haphazard stacking of notebooks could serve as a monument to procrastination, and that lone guitar is just begging for someone to bust out a nostalgic riff. And is that a coffee mug doubling as a pen holder? Someone's a master of multi-tasking, or just couldn't find a real pen holder through the maze of memorabilia. Let's not ignore the treasure trove of wires that clearly has a mind of its own. Despite the chaos, it's got character that screams 'I reject your reality and substitute my own,' and for that, it's earned a few extra cool points. Just please, for the love of neatness, invest in a desk organizer before the clutter rebellion begins!

Roast My Desk