No. 1102 - The Chaos Conductor

Ah, a desk that screams 'I have a master's degree in cable management... from the University of Nope!' We've got what appears to be a LEGO build taking up prime real estate, because who needs a mousepad when you can have a plastic-brick rendition of what I can only assume is Picasso's early work? The maze of cables under the desk gives me anxiety just looking at it. Is it an IT setup or a modern art installation? You decide. And the dual monitors are so elegantly mismatched, it's like Yin and Yang if they were distant cousins twice removed. Don’t get me started on the half-drunk cup of ‘I’ll get to it later’; I can literally see the bacteria planning their 100th generation family reunion in there. Oh, and props for the headphone stand doubling as a monitor ornament – utilitarian chic at its finest.

Roast My Desk