No. 115 - The Stark Bureaucracy Battlestation

Ah, the 'Winter Is Coming Workspace' – because nothing says 'productivity' like a desk layout that's about as optimized as a hedge maze. With screen real estate more precious than land in Manhattan, I see we're going vertical with monitors to ensure the user's neck gets a workout too. That laptop looks like it's pleading for a little ergonomic mercy, sandwiched between what appears to be the long-lost relative of tablets and a keyboard that probably has more food crumbs than keys. Bonus points for the 'Game of Thrones' book placement – because we all need a reminder that, like the series finale, some workdays just don't live up to the hype. Style? It's like contemporary chaos met a tech garage sale. Neatness? It's an orderly mess, if there's such a thing. And coolness? It's got that 'I-can-weather-any-storm' vibe, snow or work-related.

Roast My Desk