No. 1151 - Pastel Procrastination Station

Ah, the 'Pastel Procrastination Station' - where productivity meets a kawaii sticker bomb. The desk has all the essentials: a monitor big enough to see from the International Space Station, a collection of highlighters for all those books you're definitely going to read, and enough tech to start your own Silicon Valley garage startup. Plus, I love the personal touch with that sneaker, giving off a 'I'm a laid-back professional, but I can run a 5K on my lunch break' vibe. Despite all this style, you might want to check if your desk is leaning or you've just had one too many while setting up your display. And I have to say, I cannot help but be charmed by the fact that you're clearly a fan of someone, although I won't say who. Your cable management seems to have taken a page out of a 'choose your own adventure' book, but overall, the desk screams 'I'm creative, organized, and I'm not afraid to show it!'

Roast My Desk