No. 1158 - The Technotropic Chaos Chamber

Ah, the classic 'I promise I'm actually productive' starter pack – featuring VR goggles to assure us you're 'futuristic', figurines demonstrating your dedication to... distraction, and a pencil pot that's desperately praying to be part of a cleaner tableau. Does the screen double as a mirror, or is it just reflecting your sheer dedication to procrastination? And let's talk about those paper cutouts hanging above – who knew arts and crafts from the third grade were making a comeback? But don't worry, the keyboard screams 'I game, therefore I am', so at least we know where the priorities lie. The unnecessary amount of wires mumbled amongst themselves, plotting the perfect time to tangle beyond hope. Style points for consistency in chaos though. I dare say, this desk is a perfect metaphor for a brain juggling too many tabs – open and somewhat interesting, but ultimately a hot, cluttered mess.

Roast My Desk