No. 200 - The Cyberpunk Catastrophe

Ah, the classic 'I bought all my furniture from the 'Early 2000s Office Chic' collection.' The mismatched monitors positioned like mismatched ears give off a 'modern Picasso' vibe. It's like the Leaning Tower of Pisa of ergonomic nightmares. And let's not gloss over the cat, which appears to be the only one actually doing any work around here – probably managing your calendar and cancelling your social events due to 'busy napping schedule'. The overall aesthetic screams 'I prioritize function over form to a fault', but at least it's clean, which suggests you might have a system amidst that three-keyboard-palooza. I'd rate this a 'One Keyboard Short of a Conspiracy Theorist' setup.

Roast My Desk