No. 224 - The Stock Photo Station

Ah, the classic 'I'm a minimalist until you look closely' setup. The single lamp struggling to illuminate the vast emptiness of the desk space like a lighthouse in a sea of clutter aversion. And who could miss the ode to productivity, joyously provided by the ambient lighting from the monitor, obviously compensating for the lack of actual desk light—you know, to keep the mood 'chill.' The artistic use of a French press and fruit bowl suggests 'I live my life like a stock photo,' but we all know the coffee is cold by now. Don't even get me started on the cute little desk guardian figures; it's like saying 'My desk may be boring, but look, personality!' Overall, it's clear you've read at least three blog posts on desk feng shui, but you skimmed them while binge-watching Netflix.

Roast My Desk