No. 23 - The Technological Tangle Terrace

Well, well, well, if it isn't Mr. 'I've got more screens than a movie theater'. Two monitors, because one is just too mainstream, right? And let's take a moment for that keyboard – it looks like it's been around since the Stone Age. I bet those keys have more food crumbs than a diner's floor. The cable management, though, really ties it all together: a beautiful chaos of wires that would leave any IT person weeping. And don't think I didn't notice that lonely attempt at greenery trying to bring life into this tech-dungeon. But hey, the tissue – it's a nice touch. Adds an air of mystery. Is it for cleaning your screens, or for your tears after seeing your electricity bill? Overall, it's a valiant effort at a workstation but comes across more as a where-did-I-put-that-USB port kind of vibe.

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