No. 43 - The Precipice of Productivity

Well, if the goal was to make me think I'm looking at a modern art piece titled 'Technological Limbo,' then congratulations, you've nailed it! With a PC setup that looks like it's ready to eject itself off the desk, a mouse that's hanging on for dear life, and the keyboard that's clearly regretting all its life choices, this desk setup is giving me anxiety! The only thing neat about this desk is my ability to see the floor, clear of office debris because everything's trying not to fall off the edge. And style? Well, if 'haphazard chic' is the new trend, you're a true pioneer. As for coolness, in a 'this might slide off the desk any minute now' way, I'd say pretty cool. I'd call this setup 'The Precipice of Productivity.'

Roast My Desk