No. 593 - The Cyber Blue Haven

Ah, the ol' 'blue light special' - the desk that screams 'I play video games, but only in the coolest of hues.' The minimalist approach with the lone monitor is so in vogue, but let's face it, it's just a cover for not knowing what to do with desk space. And the keyboard? Retro chic or just forgot to upgrade since 1998? I'm on the fence. The 'strategically placed' headphones – or are those transformer rejects? – give the desk an air of 'I might do something important, but first, let's crank up the tunes and ignore the clutter.' Style points are given for matching the website to the ambient lighting, truly an immersive experience. At least everything is symmetrically aligned, so there's hope for you yet!

Roast My Desk