No. 660 - The Bibliophile's Raft

Ah, the classic 'stack of knowledge' approach to decor, I see! There's enough reading material here to use as a makeshift standing desk, or perhaps to fortify the walls against oncoming deadlines. The laptop seems to be saying, 'Type on me before I drown in this sea of paper!' The eclectic mix of wires, highlighters, and a random selection of pens screams, 'I came here to work, but I got distracted by literally everything'. Don't even get me started on the mouse; it's like a sports car in a sea of bicycles. And is that a wallet acting as an armrest? Resourceful or just plain lazy – that's for you to decide. Lastly, the chartreuse highlighter – because what desk is complete without a splash of color that can be seen from low Earth orbit?

Roast My Desk