No. 714 - The Celestial Pile-Up

Well, hello there, Captain Clutter! I see we've got not one, not two, but three monitors to simultaneously watch cat videos, stock prices, and the inevitable heat death of the universe. The cosmic décor suggests you're into space exploration or desperately trying to fill a void—sorry, I meant 'black hole'—in your interior design skills. I can hardly tell if the desk is a workstation or a shrine to every science fair you never entered. And that mug—ah, the hallmark of a well-used desk, complete with the fossilized remnants of beverages past. Pro tip: Those post-it notes would be slightly more useful if they were actually stuck to something you look at regularly. But don’t worry, your desk's gravitational pull of chaos is strong enough to keep all your trinkets from floating off into space.

Roast My Desk