No. 82 - The Melodic Pixel Parlor

Well, well, well, if it isn't the 'Retro-Techno Jamboree'! This desk looks like a 1980s DJ had a yard sale with a modern gamer. You've got more mixed media here than a hipster's Tumblr account. Vinyls and a turntable cheek by jowl with a laptop, that's hip. The art display is like a Pinterest board exploded, but hey, who doesn't need a little chaos to spark creativity, right? And congratulations on hoarding every single plant that could survive a nuclear winter. Now let's talk about the Pikachu guarding the fortress of solitude; it's the perfect cherry on top of this sundae of eccentricity. Just one question: do you consult your Pokémon for IT support?

Roast My Desk