No. 901 - The Entropic Enclave

Well, if it isn't the Battle Royale of desks, where action figures come together to fight for the title of Supreme Desk Dweller. With a snack cup ready for the loser, and a hydrating station for the thirsty victor, this desk is the colosseum of clutter. But seriously, there's enough plastic here to make a recycling plant swoon. I guess when the Game Controller Confederation called a summit, we didn't expect them to bring their entire action figure constituency. And let's not overlook the precariously perched plastic bottle and cup duo, adding that touch of 'I swear I'll clean up... later' to the ensemble. This is the desk that says, 'I have the heart of a child...literally, right there next to the PS4 controller.' Style? A Spectrum of Superheroes. Neatness? A charming chaos. Coolness? Nerdy nirvana!

Roast My Desk