No. 927 - The Lost Tablet of Homework-lantis

Well, well, well, if it isn't the 'Pile it High' special—a desk that makes archaeologists excited because there must be a whole civilization under those layers of paper. It seems like the desk owner’s strategy was, 'If I can still see a glimpse of the desk, it's not cluttered enough.' The only organized thing on this desk seems to be the tablet, fighting for its life like a raft in a paper sea. Funnily enough, the 'TEACHER COMMENTS' sheet is sitting right on top; I guess someone's been eager for feedback, or is it acting as a paperweight for all the ungraded essays? Full marks for the stealthy table blending, though; you've got a camouflage level that a chameleon would envy. Rating this avant-garde mess is going to be a challenge!

Roast My Desk