No. 967 - The Understated Underachiever

Well, look at that – a desk sitting humbly in the corner, quietly screaming, 'I'm where the magic happens, and by magic, I mean barely passing grades and late-night gaming sessions.' The corkboard world map is classic – 'Look at me, I'm worldly!' – but the only trips this desk seems to be taking are to the land of Crumpled Paper and Pen Lid Bay. And let's not overlook the single, solitary houseplant clinging to life by a thread. It's the desk's passive-aggressive way of saying, 'I have responsibilities.' Neatness is definitely the desk's middle name, but it couldn't be bothered with a last name like 'Pizzazz.' It does have a certain understated charm, though, like a library book that's been checked out a few too many times.

Roast My Desk